Wednesday, January 24, 2007

prob. you like making lists too

its all somehow intertwined- i feel, my mom, relationships, food, money, earth, global warming, civilization, school,
future, homes, art, the weather, shopping, field trips, personal diaries, blogging, animals, showers, cold turkey, music,
politics, books, movies, wardrobe, a bowl of cereal, television, street cars, traveling, manopolies, the south,
technology, industries, monuments, parks, doing the dishes, cleaning my room, myhouse, washing my clothes, developing film.
thinking, him, her, the moments, memories, excitment, anticipation, love, yellow fever, cold feet, reading glasses, sports,
feminism, fallacies, feeling like youre wrapped in a burlap sack, lies, work, rust, procrastinating,
doctors apointments, making babies, having fun, rolling, writers block, cleaning out the fish bowl, throwing out the garbage,
death, longing, hope, being a flake, preditors, scandals, fear, reality, imagining, anger, emotions, yogurt bursting cheerios,
good deals, dancing, headaches,christan scientists,skills, lack of understanding, jigsaw puzzles, the incredibles, cunt raptures, mammals.
oh man- this worries me. "i dont need love i got my band." -radio dept

draw your tomm.- the name of my planner

embarcadero rainbow market haight theatre every theatre in sf berk. valencia for pizza and burritos cole valley coffee sfomoma pacific hights union st motorcycle diaries job hunting exploring the oakland hills quate tower. the beach for sunset, woohoo.

1.99 munchies +rice crispies = 1, i like skating down hills with you.