Friday, September 28, 2007

as far as me and you


slightly, i was lucky enough to receive a special book from a special one. it's actually the coolest thing i own right now, terminally beginning, back paged written reforms, crafted to its peak, non sequentially ordered , like a beat.yes. just like that. here's a sneak peak " one reason Helena and i would never be close friends is that i am about half as tall as she. people tend to stick to their own size group because it's easier on the neck. Unless they are romantically involved, in which case the size difference is sexy. it means i am willing to go the distance for you"
yeah you like that? i too enjoy meeting up on weekdays.

Monday, September 17, 2007

amber alert

if you have sent me text messages- phone calls- voicemails- flowers, or any of the following- or anything you can even think of(via cellphone,within the past couple ah days) you should know, it hasn't been received. my poor old 646..... number is no longer in motion. however the good ol handy 794.. is fully up and alive.. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. i am now going to reunite with my ma in Hawaii. also by popular demand,including ap, i will now incorporate the usage of apostrophes into my everyday, lingo mingo jazzzz.

all in all

Friday, September 14, 2007

i ate a double bowl of cereal, just now.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

what the hell, why would you ever send me this

Popcorn addicts risk lethal lung condition, doctors warn
By Leonard Doyle in Washington
Published: 06 September 2007

Popcorn, the favourite snack of millions of Americans, can cause a potentially fatal health condition known as popcorn workers' lung, an alarmed public is discovering.
A love of microwave buttered popcorn caused a relatively healthy 53-year-old American to develop severe breathing problems. The cause of his illness was tracked down to the microwave popcorn he loved so much that he would inhale steam from the bag as it came out of the oven.

The link between the man's illness and popcorn was established by Dr Cecil Rose, who had been dealing with popcorn workers' lung for years as a consultant to the food industry. "I said to him this is a very weird question but bear with me, are you around a lot of popcorn?"

"His jaw dropped,' she told The New York Times, 'How could you possibly know that about me? I am Mr Popcorn. I love popcorn'," the patient replied. He had eaten buttery microwave popcorn at least twice a day for the past 10 years. When he broke open the bags, after the steam came out, he would often inhale the fragrance because he liked it so much," Dr Rose said. "That's heated diacetyl, which we know from the workers' studies is the highest risk."

Dr Rose found levels of diacetyl in the man's Colorado home after he made the snack were similar to those in microwave popcorn plants. She put him on a microwave popcorn-free diet. Six months after his diagnosis, the man has lost 50lb and his lung function has improved.

Synthetic butter or diacetyl inhaled as a vapour has damaged or destroyed the lungs of hundreds of workers in the food industry.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

to j,
dont be mad.



i ate some Colombian popusas today. i highly recommend it to all you big- hard -large -heavy- buff -meat eaters. or even, i recommend it to you small, shit faced, little tiny, twigs; the ones who cant even get to point b with out whining. all in all i recommend- Colombian popusas.
not only is it fun to say, but its fun to eat!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007