Write a short essay (5 to 10 sentences) answering the following questions: What was the hardest part of this class so far? What was the easiest part? What was the most interesting thing you learned? What do you wish we spent more time on? If you had to be absent one day, which day would you have chosen to miss (besides today!)? Forever in my life I’ve always wanted to take physics. I am most excited and most interested in learning about the green house effect which has much to do with terrariums (thermodynamics) . If you hit a solid aluminum pole with a hammer you will hear the sound travel up and down the pole depending on where your hand is placed. This also interests me. I missed a couple classes due to sporadic urges of energy, I only left class because I didn’t want to be disruptive towards you and my fellow class mates- so you know I just got up and left. It’s ok though. I don’t think you noticed, and if you did I’m sorry, please don’t take offense. Anyways what is more pressing to me right now is the physics club, I LOVE THE PHYSICS CLUB SOOOOO MUCH! Some clubs don’t provide us with the proper necessities. However the physics club keeps us equipped with small little hand books, paper problem sets (at most with abc answers) and PIZZA! I mean what a total treat! I can’t even believe it. Usually I take all the cheese and oil out with a napkin, because eating 55 slices of fatt cheesy pizza a week can leave its mark- pot belly, beer belly, thunder thighs and feeling like a glutton. but that’s why I love the physics club. The physics club i bet feels the same about me; i feel it every time i sign my name on the sign in sheet. Its kind of relaxing to know you have somewhere to go every Monday, I’m sure it makes many people feel wanted. The hardest part of physics for me, well i could only imagine. What would be hard, what would be death metal is if you left me in a room alone and made me do all those tests and problem sets by myself. that would depress the hell out of me. i mean physics can be anything in the world, that’s what i like about it. i mean its really different from me, but we respect each other.