Yesterday i decided halfway through work that i wanted to get slightly drunk. sometimes the things you think about initially sound better than when its actually around to do. i secretly ran a gin tonic down my throat and already felt excited. alex came with a weird regular friend and we went to la realidad to drink some caƱas and i invited her becau
se she only has five euros for the rest of the week. i can understand being pooor becuase im going through it right now. we ended up sharing a table with a couple of pijos and when alex left i decided to stay to chat with them. i had nothing better to do and im all of a sudden one of those people obsessed with talking. its a change. i convinced them to come to sol with me to meet paula and we ate at a dirty spanish bar and they laughed a bit while i stopped enetering conversations. At home i decided i wouldnt mind to have a tiny smoke so i called my neighbor Ilo and he came over within five minutes and after two minutes he showed me this really amazing video about a clay body coming together and i felt that life was really beautiful and i wanted all my natural sences to come back. i accidently fell a sleep and woke up at 6 am to notice that i was alone with a huge white computer screen eating me and the hallway lights on. a nd a pitcher of beer by my bed and i felt gross. i felt like hey this has to stop.
anyways i hardly have an apetite. i feel moded. i want to keep my phone far away from me. i hate despreate text messages and how being single feels on the body and how you cant just be with one person all the time and never feel humiliated.