Tuesday, April 15, 2008


it is not so great when I'm not dropped off to the masonic and haight when i have to scramble around fishing change to go in a hurry. i am absolutely beyond any control sick of the bare walls the coughed crazies elevator nastiness. forest hill station i hate you. i can almost die.

hurry up.
back home.

my ideas on females: males: babies: mating: hello goodbye obvious interaction concludes in a small research paper titled:

"Looks and everything into the world of love and attraction."
I've been trying to write it for the past couple ah decades and today lessened learned i figured that with in ones wings the flight is never given. i made this up myself and now I'm motivated to do good. i must graduate i must i must. no more rubios, no more picture taking, or blog rolls, or breathing quietly under the arms of a llama. none of that. nothing for me, as my fate is to pile myself under the screen of my teleporting lap top under the eyes of my web cams holy lens. I'm sorry potato, there's no more time for you. not now, not ever. well forever, there's later.

later is funner. attention wil be fully yours. poeple are organically grown to self implication. the obvious being a committing promise of forever dangling freely like a babies rattle. we'll maneuver our way forward until we cant take it, until the unbearable juice of forever is flooding and we cant help but to look separate ways. its a scramble for fear. an empty promise of burnt bacon, of drinking spoiled milk to wash down the overdue eggs that roasted in the velvet cupcakes. its a horrible disease, but we cant fight nature.
so don't fight it, as later will always come.

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