the intertwining of identities is one of the largest reasons as to why I'm feeling so good right now. here on the floor with the emma´s big dog self slapped on top of me.
a homeless man who made his own museum using basic articles married with witty captions, and i call it the best man who deserves it. so i placed one euro in his donation box but all we had was a phone so i promise to get better photos for round two---and now eat your heart out:

the good thing about feeling like you're stuck to a person is you really get to make a lot of music. or watch them make panoramas and 360 degree planet shaped photos.. its easier to get excited about it when there´s someone pushing it to you. and those are just a couple of reasons, though without boring you, i could go on.
currently addressed a new schedule to feel more daily completeness: since today forced me to wake up early to return a bike which attempted to lift us both i got to eat an ice cream for breakfast.
took a large sandwich particularly forcing sun rays at ¨fontanta di trevi¨ got up because the un friendly police man asked us if we wanted sunscreen.

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