Thursday, January 14, 2010

have a wank

Dear Kat,
I'm not a bad friend just a bad writer or
pen pal but lets skip that .. why don't you give me your address so i can finally send you Christmas cards with drawings and cool things like Spain's smell.
current news:
Living with Rob in this overly beautiful apartment think of it looking like Jason's though fresher and homier.
i will take photos which will consist of me and the apartment yelling in the background and it ll be something good to look at

I'm working two jobs. i make good money, though sometimes I'm really bored and get nervous because the pub is killing me and i need solutions. quick.

my entire family is in Sydney Australia. mom tony prax. i don't want to go. I'm developing this thesis of life being more important in the moment rather than in the future. but its stupid and i need to discover a better solution. so far I'm doing research on critically thinking and I'm deep two paragraphs which feels good.

hows your relationship going?
and school and life mother, friends and roommates.
tell me something special
i hanker for you


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