Monday, July 23, 2007

the philosophical discourse of modernity. twelve lectures.

role role role role rolling on these roles..

"hegel cannot obtain the aspect of reconciliation--- that is, the re establishment of the disintegrated totality- from self consciousness or the reflective relationship of the knowing subject to itself. by having recourse to the intersubjectivity of relationships based on mutual understanding , he fails to achieve the goal essential to the self grounding of modernity: thinking the positive element in such a way that it can be overcome by the same principle from which it proceeds- precisely by subjectivity."

1 comment:

Kenneth said...

ouch. I remember having to read this. It took me a long time to figure out. The point I think, is that we get our identity (self-consciousness)and the rules of thought and action constituting it from our culture (mutual-understanding). The problem is that if it is WE as a culture who determines what it means to be somebody (i.e. have an identity) then this means that who we are (with our rules of thought and action) can also be subject to examination and criticism. In short, one can't safely be somebody. The rules of the game, and the game itself will change, must change and IS changing as we speak. Life is radically contingent and uncertain. That's Habermas' problem. But you know what... that's exactly what I love about life.

Wait a minute. What a funny way of drawing me out in the open.