Wednesday, June 11, 2008

i dont think i get sad. what i get is itchy.

today I'm graduating. those of you who are unfamiliar with me probably are most surprised. today I'm graduating and i don't even care.

sometimes i want to smoke because i know its best to help this. i want to eat spoiled eggs and gagg and get racy with someone who is bad.

if you force yourself into feeling good then you force your self into doing something. if you eat really fast you'll forget about how much you are eating. this happens with drinks and things related. i don't know anything about myself in the night or the morning, i feel most comfort arise in mid day. the worst thing is when i sit in the park i feel extra dumb. i would rather sit in bed. my bed is broken. the middle has no support and its like a hole. you'll see the diagram. every time i wake up off it i say to myself "20 more days and NO MORE OF THIS!" i like my blanket, it use to make me sneeze till i couldn't take it. i got rid of it and missed it and forced myself into loving it all over again.

I'm always the same with everything i do. you can compare me to a couch; some say I'm really comfortable.

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