just came back from delfina and it was the weirdest thing ever to touch my face. today was almost horrible but the beginning was so perfect that its perfection was a disease reminding me of a UTI. buffalo exchange on haight is filled with.. well.. its filled with a long line of sellers. me and miko sat there today and in exchange for his time and for his birthday i gave him an ipod. later on after 74 brand new dollars we headed on the six to meet matt to wish him off to wish me off for him new york and for me nowhere. it's been a long 2 hours and 36 minutes. before this time we ran up and down elevators and saw this view.
it reminds me of all the things a place can offer and all the self proclaimed landmarks that are made to absorb peoples feelings and blinks. each time i blink before the time my lids touch and the time my lids miss i remember everything i just saw and move it to enter inside me. when i am sad i usually just stare at the person I'm sad with and pretend I'm playing the game of blink, if that game fails then i play the game which rules revolve around the idea of not being the one to laugh first. when it comes to tantrums even though I'm a year older i still feel the same.
some say my problem is opening up and others say the same thing.
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