im writing you in the middle of the urge of having to shit and other things that i will not list here due to a visit from an unfriendly boner. iw rite to you everyday you just cant see it. i dont know what to do with all these pleasant messages their trapped in my japanese ritmo notebook. i spent a dollar on it in t his store in daily city. its a real cool place filled with real japanese imported products all costing no more than five bitches--bucks. the pens for example are UN BEL I E V A BLE. do you know what that word means , its a big word meant for winners...
i wil answer all you mens GQ questions in the following message. this is just an intro to get the part y started.
first of, obviously, i miss you. your hairy butt, your hairy chest your hariy legs scrapping my body like a rug pushing to get in. maybe theres no hair on this keyboard but typing on it reminds me of the nice people that ive been thinking about for longer than a while. yes, i find some benefits in keeping you around. one. ] im able to talk to someone with no interruptions, with pure intentional listening. for a change its nice. for change is something....
i think that letters are meant for letters. so form this as my original opinion.this is the point to state one thing: i will differentiate my letters with my emails, with my internet activity messages on any social networking blog posting. words on actual paper written with an actual hand derive from a different brain cell. consider this the next time your thinking and actually mail me something glittery. obviously, this i smy new fantasy,. im more than really into it and will hit the favor back.
things need to stay with what their made of.
ill tell you about my night:
i dont know why but i choose to tell you everythinhg. all the time. everyday so here we go:
dans and mias party at dans boss's house real weird in the full sense of the word and zec got too drunk that he pulled my legs down as i was stirring the key into the hole to get inside home--finally. tati didnt want to party, she needed a break. this i understand -neither did i but last night was Halloween and without moving sleepings just silly. plus currently i have no one to rest at home with. so its easier, met a dj. his name is pronounced "me-high" its michael in a language, i cant remember the name of. i think im a better dj than him because i was like ok ok play the boo boo song play the BOO BOOsong. i mean its halloween. and yet nothing. i understand a couple things: i know that djs hate requests and i know that djs hate being told what to do by anyone with the name of carla uriarte. but shit , sometimes you just gotta scream like you don't give a fuck. it was better tha n the stupid girl wanting to hear tina turner. quickly for a second there a died.
and now to answer your questions:Ten Questions Men want to Know about Carla Uriarte.
(extract from the "MAN" Magazine, Spanish Version, Octobre 31st 2008)
1. When did you write that comment on your blog answering "Linda", before you knew it had been me who had written it, or after?
before. know that you got me there, it's a rare commodity so eat it and chew it for a while--- preferably thirty times like the Japanese. actually after realizing it was you i wrote something like you piece of shit..though due to my absent minded refusal to log in, it never made network.. 2. When you say Aguicate, you mean Aguacate? jaja
aguacate. thats the last time you make fun of my spanish,.3. How can you make "burping" an art?
well letting it out is expressing yourself, isnt that what arts about? 4. Our journalists have made a little research about your life back in San Francisco. We've been ashtonished by a photo of you on a train, in the subway. Is there subway in San Francisco?
ha, what a question. IS THERE A SUBWAY ARE YOU KIDDING ME. yes, these subways are called muni. also the parallel to cercanias is BART/ we're just as advanced as spain carinho. the muni onsists of the J M N T L and maybe i cant remember the name. also theres an F which runs on the street looking like this:F TRAIN LINK5. Simeone, one of our specialists on "Gay things", caught one of our reporters, Alberto Le Jerk, watching that photo of you in the metro, where you look like a girl to dream of. Did you knew he said you were "carina", with a gayly accent? It sounded like music in our ears.
TELL HIM I LOVE HIM. 6. What's the secret of life? Please, tell our readers.
eating, thinking about eating. making big meals for big training days. dodging bullets named linda, jk. is this really viewable from google? you kill me. 7. There's a photo of this man in many corners of Rome.
We were courious about who he was, and found out he was a miracolous priest who lived in Italy years ago, who had stigmas (injuries in his hands) and was ver popular in this country. His name is Padre Pio. Do you find any ressemblance between him and any person you know?
are you talking about the allergic reactions my hands would get from alcohol>? if not no, and im confused.8. We've got in contact with some of your old students, back in time, when you used to teach english in Cantoblanco.
He said you used to spend your time convincing them to be friendly to democrats, and blamed republicans for everything...
What do you have to say to these statements?
maybe so. subliminal messages mostly. for example if you sing the song "head shoulders knees and toes backwards" its really saying "all hail OBAMA mccains a bitch, republicans bad democrats good" or anything as easy as repetitive drawings of hero donkeys and evil elephants. but nothing too extreme, i'm very nonchalant wIth these kinda persuasive learning techniques--you gotta teach our FUTURE SOMETHING.9. We know you, unlike many famous people, don't have an amateur video tape made in your wild years... but we can't help this question... can you MAKE ONE for us. We promess no witnesses.
JESUS NO. 10. Whats the secret, how do you do it to revitalize souls with just a hah, an "ew", or a once in a while smart comment?
I'll keep on talking to you, LIVE, now.