The other day something unrelated made me think of you, which happens. So I remembered that you had a blog thing, and I remembered the address to it, and I made my way there.
Now I dont know if you know this, but I've set my sites on becoming a writer or something along those lines, so I read things much too much. When I read those things, usually my favorites that are really great, I have a habit of spending the next few minutes after that narrating the things I do in my head, and formulating all my thoughts as if I was going to put them down on something, like a paper or computer. It's a nice little side effect.
After reading a couple of entries on your blog thing, I found myself doing just that.
So I guess the point of all this, is to just say thank you for putting them on something, and then out on the internet for me to see.
i agree. i love reading your blog. it can be ambiguous but that's what makes it all the better. and i must say you are a clever girl miss carla.
you've never read mine. i don't write things worth reading in there anymore. keep writing in this blog after you leave so i won't miss you so much. or maybe i'll miss you all the more.
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